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Friday, March 29, 2013

Anilao, Philippines

Mention this destination and mostly everyone that is not an avid underwater photographer will scratch their head and ask, "you’re going where?"

The Philippines have always remained on the fringe, never a primary dive destination.

But for divers and photographers in the know, this is not the case. The Philippines are perhaps one of the best kept secrets of all.

Getting there is an easy hop, skip and a long jump from LAX. Unlike the time consuming travels to Indonesia, im diving the day I arrive.

Manila is densely populated with traffic jams throughout the city. High pitched honking, loud music, people everywhere. Scooters weave in and out of traffic, some with sidecars packed with the whole family aboard.

Anilao lies at the tip of the golden triangle of the Indo-Pacific. The golden triangle is designated as the most biodiverse area on the globe, rich in sea life, corals and invertebrate life. Its no wonder that this place is a mecca for researchers and photographers alike. One could expect to find hundreds of different Nudibranch species, Rhinopias, Ambon Scorpionfish, Pacific Walkers, Pegasus Mothfish and Blue Ring Octopus. There are several species of Pipefish, at least three varieties of Seahorses from the coveted Pygmy’s to the even more rare, Giant Seahorse, standing close to a foot high with outstretched tail. But one of the strangest and most bazaar creatures lives within the sand. The name of this creature was coined for the demasculating wounds inflicted by Lorena Bobbit on her husband, The Bobbit Worm. (Eunice aphroditois) Bobbit worms are a carnivorous Polychaete worm. They can be lightning fast, striking wildly from its hidden lair, dragging its prey under in a flash. After seeing the Bobbit worm strike for the first time I immediately inflated my BC to lift myself off the sand. 

Anilao is known for it’s varied substrate and relief. Current swept dive sites keep a continuous flow of food going for the many critters found here. In addition to the critters, expect to find soft corals, hard corals, classic muck dives, walls and dropoffs. The Reef structures are alive with moving colors and blizzards of colorful Anthias, big schools of Jacks and more. This place really has something for everyone. 

Continuous discoveries, endless beauty and wonderful people make Anilao a very compelling destination for this photographer and many others.

The best kept secret is out…

image and blog source: divephotoguide
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